Integrating IT-Security in the DevOps Universe (Webinar | Online)

„Integrating IT-Security in the DevOps Universe“ Wednesday, October 23, 03:00 – 03:30 p.m. (CEST) The webinar will be held in English Registering for our webinar on integrating IT-Security within the DevOps universe offers several significant benefits. Here’s what you can expect to gain: Holistic Understanding of Security’s Role Develop a comprehensive understanding of the critical…Continue reading Integrating IT-Security in the DevOps Universe (Webinar | Online)

Einführung in Microservices: Ihr Weg zur modernen Softwarearchitektur (Webinar | Online)

Webinar – Wie Microservices Ihre Entwicklungsarbeit verändern können Einführung in die Grundlagen und Vorteile von Microservices. Praxisnahe Tipps und Beispiele zur Implementierung. Was werden Sie über Microservices lernen? Entdecken Sie die Welt der Microservices in unserem umfassenden Webinar. Erfahren Sie, wie diese moderne Architektur die Entwicklung und das Management von Anwendungen revolutionieren kann. Dieses Webinar ist ideal für…Continue reading Einführung in Microservices: Ihr Weg zur modernen Softwarearchitektur (Webinar | Online)

Streamline Your Linux Servers: Automation for Patch & Release Management in Data Centers (Webinar | Online)

Webinar – Elevating Linux Patch & Release Management in Data Centers Learn to automate Linux patch and release management across various distributions in data centers, using tools like Ansible and orcharhino for efficiency and stability. Enhance security, maintain system stability, and save valuable time and resources by mastering automation strategies tailored to your Linux server environment. What will you learn about…Continue reading Streamline Your Linux Servers: Automation for Patch & Release Management in Data Centers (Webinar | Online)

Die Kunst der DevOps-Teams: Eine Kultur der Zusammenarbeit und des Erfolgs schaffen (Webinar | Online)

Webinar – Entschlüsselung von DevOps-Team-Patterns und -Antipattern Entdecken Sie DevOps-Teammuster und Strategien zu deren Überwindung, um die Teamdynamik und den Projekterfolg zu verbessern. Lernen Sie, wie Sie effektive Teamstrukturen schaffen, die mit den DevOps-Prinzipien übereinstimmen, um die Zusammenarbeit und kulturelle Integration zu verbessern. Was werden Sie über DevOps-Teamstrukturen lernen? Das Verständnis des Zusammenspiels zwischen Teamdynamik und DevOps-Praktiken…Continue reading Die Kunst der DevOps-Teams: Eine Kultur der Zusammenarbeit und des Erfolgs schaffen (Webinar | Online)

Terraform in Action: Navigating Complex Environments with Multiple Teams (Webinar | Online)

Webinar – Collaborate Effectively on Infrastructure with Terraform Infrastructure as Code: Learn how Terraform automates and documents infrastructure changes, enhancing clarity and control. Collaborative Tools Integration: Discover how Terraform and GitLab together streamline infrastructure provisioning and management across multiple administrators. What will you learn about Terraform Infrastructure Management? Explore the capabilities of Terraform to manage complex infrastructures…Continue reading Terraform in Action: Navigating Complex Environments with Multiple Teams (Webinar | Online)

Driving Efficiency with Event-Driven Ansible: An Introduction – Webinar On-Demand (Webinar | Online)

Driving Efficiency with Event-Driven Ansible: An Introduction Webinar – Event-Driven Ansible Demystified Event-Driven Ansible is a new automation approach where tasks are triggered by events like system alerts or changes in infrastructure, allowing for immediate responses without manual intervention. Unravel the theoretical foundations of Event-Driven Ansible alongside a practical demonstration. What will you learn about Event-Driven Ansible? This webinar takes…Continue reading Driving Efficiency with Event-Driven Ansible: An Introduction – Webinar On-Demand (Webinar | Online)

Designing self-hosted Kubernetes platforms for enhanced flexibility (Webinar | Online)

Through skillful orchestration of system components, a Kubernetes system can be built that completely separates the control plane from the actual cluster and the workloads running there. This system is safer, more scalable, and easier to maintain than a “vanilla” Kubernetes, while still retaining its flexibility. What will you learn about self-hosted Kubernetes? Join us as we analyze the challenges…Continue reading Designing self-hosted Kubernetes platforms for enhanced flexibility (Webinar | Online)

Why cloud computing is more fun with DevSecOps (Webinar | Online)

Just like the strategic decision to transfer your own software to the cloud, DevSecOps also starts in the head. The targeted promotion of a modern corporate and communication culture enables optimal collaboration across team boundaries. In the cloud context, this collaboration reaches its highest effectiveness. The integration of security into every step of our processes,…Continue reading Why cloud computing is more fun with DevSecOps (Webinar | Online)

Linux-Stammtisch (Networking | Online)

Freunde der gepflegten DevOps Kultur, wir laden zu unserem Open Lean Coffee ein, bei dem das Thema “DevOps” im Mittelpunkt stehen wird. Gemeinsam möchten wir in ungezwungener Atmosphäre Ideen austauschen, Erfahrungen teilen und voneinander lernen. Datum: 28.09.23 Uhrzeit: 18:30 Uhr Ort: Online Ein Lean Coffee ist eine informelle Veranstaltung die von ihren Teilnehmen lebt, bei…Continue reading Linux-Stammtisch (Networking | Online)

Modernizing Data Center Management with Automation and Rebootless Patching (Webinar | Online)

Do you know how much time, effort, and resources you can save your team when you automate your data center management? With the right tools, automation can make it easier to deploy and manage servers, especially when you extend it to vulnerability patches—that way, organizations can keep their data centers patched and compliant without reboots…Continue reading Modernizing Data Center Management with Automation and Rebootless Patching (Webinar | Online)